Robin Harris
Parelli Professional
3 Star Instructor

About Robin

Robin got her start into the horse world at the age of 11 by volunteering for a therapeutic riding program. Being so young the only thing she was able to help with at first was catching and getting the horses ready as well as being the instructor's helper during games. Robin continued to volunteer all through high school and when she was about to turn 18, her instructor asked her if she wanted to learn to teach. Instanly Robin agreed and started her journey of becoming a riding instructor.

During college Robin taught as often as she could and graduated with a degree in biology secondary education from Iowa State University. By the time she finished her student teaching, however, she realized that she loved teaching but her true love was teaching riding lessons and helping kids and adults to become good with horses.

In 2005 Robin was first introduced to the Parelli program from a roomate who knew she was having a few "horse issues." This program seemed like the right answer for her horse and she instantly latched on. She also noticed that it seemed to be making differences in the lesson horses she was working with and decided that she eventually wanted to be a Parelli instructor.

Robin started that journey in early 2010 when she spent a month at the Florida campus taking the Fast Track. Robin has now taken the 1-Star and 2-Star Instructor Course and is having a blast teaching Parelli!

Robin is currently able to teach levels 1-4 in all 4 savvies and is ready to help you along your journey.

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